Leumeah High School

Strive to Succeed

Telephone02 4625 7755


Vocational Education and Training (VET)

VOCATIONAL EDUCATION COURSES (VET) are available for study by students at Leumeah High School as part of the Stage 5 and Stage 6 curriculum and the Higher School Certificate curriculum.

VET courses focus on delivering training in skills and knowledge and achieving qualifications required for entry level in specific industries. They allow students to investigate and/or begin a career pathway while continuing their studies at school, where they develop industry specific competencies, work ready skills and have practical and real experiences in 70 hours of workplacement.

They are official courses provided by NESA and the content is based on the Australian Qualification Frameworks (AQF), which are based on national packages. The same training and competencies are required across all states for qualifications in industry areas.

Leumeah High school is approved to offer a number of framework courses through the Registered Training Organisation Public Schools NSW Ultimo (RTO 90072).

VET courses are included on students Record of School Achievement or Higher School Certificate.

They include:

Stage 5

· Retail Services

· Hospitality – Food and Beverage

Stage 6

· Business Services

· Retail Services

· Hospitality in either Food and Beverage or Kitchen Operations.

· Sport Coaching

· Construction

More information is available on either: More information is available on either: https://educationstandards.nsw.edu.au/wps/portal/nesa/11-12/stage-6-learning-areas/vet

The benefits of a VET Course:

· Students can achieve a Statement of Attainment for units of competency achieved in the course or Certificate I or II or III ( Sports Coaching and Business services on completion, as delivered by the school. These qualifications are nationally recognised as Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).

· Competency units achieved can be used for credit transfers towards Higher Education courses at other RTOS eg TAFE.

· Students can obtain dual accreditation by obtaining both AQF qualifications and the NSW Higher School Certificate.

· Students can choose to sit the optional HSC exam available for Board Developed Courses for Industry Curriculum Frameworks (excluding Sports Coaching which is Content Endorsed) and the results of ONE VET course can be included in ten units of study and contribute to the ATAR for university entrance.

· The course skills and knowledge are delivered and assessed by competency-based assessment, which allows students to practice and reattempt tasks on further occasions. Assessment takes many forms and provides for allowable adjustments for specific learning needs.

Other benefits of participating in VET for students include:

· completing specific work readiness training units.

· developing employability skills.

· obtaining insight and practical experience from work placements in industry.

· opportunities to explore the potential career path they would like to pursue.

Our VET Team works across a number of faculties, and we offer:

· VET courses up to Certificate II level and Certificate III in Sports Coaching and Business services, with exposure to the opportunity to gain apprenticeships and traineeships through workplacement and promotions in class.

· Established links with local industry, industry mentors, work placement provider and with TAFE

· Monitoring of workplacement events.

· Special events to support VET students - Work readiness program, Course Information at Year 10 subject selections and specific awards at presentation evenings

Work Placement is required for VET Courses.

Workplacement is a mandatory component of all VET courses. Students must complete 70 hours workplacement over the two years of the course to qualify for the HSC. 

Workplacement allows students to apply the skills they have learnt in class and acquire industry practices through a close working relationship with industry mentors.

Macarthur Workplace Learning Program (MWLP)- this a local provider who works with our school in providing suitable work placements for our VET students. The staff orientates businesses to the needs of the program and administers the organisation and support or them. MWLP ensures that the host establishment conduct a safe work environment and child protection checks for our students.

VET teacher’s co-ordinate with students and their families for the suitable dates and locations offered, completion of legal documents and contact the student and supervisor whilst the placement is in progress.

For further information about work placement, please visit: www.mwlp.com.au This organisation provides a range of services to young people in our community.

Course Requirements for VET Courses.

The courses have a requirement of a fee to cover consumable materials used to practice and achieve competencies and for Personal protective Equipment (PPE) such as safe shoes and uniforms. These are advertised in the Course Electives Books each year and in course orientations.

Students interested in undertaking courses should seek support from the school in meeting these requirements so there are no barriers to access.

Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) in VET Courses

VET teachers and the VET Co-ordinator will review applications from students for RPL. A student may seek RPL for workplacement due to their ongoing experience in relevant casual employment. The student will need to complete documents and obtain written verification from their employer as evidence for RPL.

A student may also seek RPL for units of course work that they have obtained from another course, another site within the RTO or from another RTO. Assessors are required to include determinations made by another qualified assessor from another RTO.