Our uniform has been established by agreement between parents, teachers and students. It is a requirement that students be dressed in school uniform at all times. A school uniform serves several purposes, including:
* developing a sense of belonging in the school,
* developing school pride,
* maintaining school tone,
* promoting a sense of inclusiveness, non-discrimination and equal opportunity,
* Increasing the personal safety of students and staff by allowing easier recognition of visitors and potential intruders in the school,
* meeting the Department of Education and Training safety requirements on regard to footwear, and
* making school clothing affordable for families by eliminating the risk of peer pressure to wear more expensive, fashionable clothing.
Students who are out of uniform shall have their parents contacted. Parents will be asked to either bring correct uniform for their child to change into or provide verbal permission for the school to provide a new uniform item to the student and invoice the parent. A copy of our uniform policy may be found on our school website.
Our aim is for students to wear school uniform every day and to do so with pride.
1. To ensure that school uniform is consistent with occupational health and safety, anti-discrimination and equal opportunity legislation.
2. To regularly inform parents/caregivers on school uniform issues
3. To cater for all students in the school community in a manner sensitive to gender, cultural and social issues.
4. To regularly reinforce with students the importance and significance of wearing school uniform.
5. To establish a system for dealing with students not in uniform.
6. To inform parents/caregivers that assistance with uniform is available.
1. Each year the school provides details of students' uniform to parents.
2. School Uniform issues are discussed at P & C meetings where appropriate.
3. The school supplies all student uniform through the school uniform shop.
4. The Principal is available to provide assistance with uniform.
5. Procedures for students not in uniform are:
(a) A student out of uniform must see the Deputy Principal upon arrival to school to explain the reason why the student is out of uniform for that particular day. The Deputy Principal will contact the parent to arrange a replacement item, either from the clothing pool or a new item to be purchased.
(b) The incident will be recorded on Sentral and the student may be issued an after school detention.
(c) Persistent failure to wear the correct school uniform may result in a parent interview to discuss issues and expectations.
(d) If the student is considered by the Principal or his/her delegate to be inappropriately attired and/or offensive, the student will be sent home to change into something more appropriate (after a parent has been contacted).
(e) All incidents where a student does not wear school uniform will be recorded.
6. For timetabled SPORT students may wear sports uniform on that day. For regular PHYSICAL EDUCATION (PE) normal uniform is to be worn to school and students change into sport gear for the duration of OUTSIDE PE Sport lessons.
7. Each student requires enclosed black leather school shoes plus any other item considered necessary for safety in practical lessons such as Science, Industrial Arts, Creative Arts and Technology Mandatory or Food Technology.
PLEASE NOTE: All acceptable uniform items are only available for purchase from the Uniform Shop at the school.
YEARS 7 - 10
- Yellow polyester/cotton collared shirt/blouse with school crest.
- Checked school skirt/skorts or grey tailored pants or shorts.
Bottle green woollen jumper or LHS jacket each with school crest.
White ankle socks or plain black stockings with skirt or grey tailored shorts or grey tailored trousers.
- Black or white winter scarves.
- Black leather lace up school shoes - required under Occupation Health and Safety legislation for use in Science and practical TAS/ART lessons.
- White head scarf/hijab with either bottle green/black headband.
YEARS 11 - 12
White cotton collared shirt /blouse with school crest.
Checked school skirt/skorts or grey tailored pants or trousers
Plain bottle green woollen jumper or LHS jacket each with school crest.
Black leather lace up school shoes - Required under Occupation Health and Safety legislation for use in Science and Practical TAS/ART lessons.
White ankle socks or plain black stockings with skirt or grey tailored shorts or grey tailored trousers.
Black or white winter scarves.
White head scarf/hijab with either bottle green/black headband.
Blazer with school crest.
School tie - if school tie is worn then it must be worn in the traditional manner with top shirt button done up.
All students have access to a unisex winter soft shell jacket.
School green and white polo shirt with Leumeah High School embroidered into the collar
- Green school PE shorts with LHS logo.
- White ankle socks and sports shoes. Please note: non-sports shoes (eg: Converse & canvas shoes) are unacceptable for any sporting activity and must not be worn under any circumstance.
LHS school track suit pants and LHS Tracksuit jacket during the winter months.
Students wishing to wear additional clothing for extra warmth in winter must ensure this is white or grey. No coloured undergarments are to be visible through shirts or blouses. These items must be worn under the school shirts. The only jumpers that can be worn are the school jumper with the crest.
Please note: Students cannot wear any jumpers with hoodies to school. They will be asked to remove them and be provided with a school jumper for warmth in the winter months.