The TAS provides a collection of courses where the design and application of technology is fundamental to designing successful solutions that meet a need, opportunity or challenge. At Leumeah High School, the TAS learning areas provides for a continuous and relevant pathway for the twenty first century learner to use imagination, creativity, innovation, critical thinking and the responsible and safe use of tools, materials and technology in wide fields. Ethical practices in the digital world for cyber safety are a key focus, along with strong work, health and safety practices. Literacy and numeracy skills are explicitly featured in all activities. Life and employability knowledge and skills are targeted to provide the basis for lifelong learning.
Further details about individual coursesare available on this website in the "Curriculum & activities" tab under both the Information Booklet and Assessment and Reporting.

Years 7 and 8 Technology (Mandatory) course(over 200 hours) is a compulsory course required in the curriculum and is reported on the Record of Secondary Achievement (ROSA) compiled while students attend school.
This course gives students opportunities to design, create make and evaluate projects using the design process and develop an understanding of innovative solutions to real life problems or challenges. Quality practical skills are emphasised as students make their individual design projects supported by documentation in their design portfolio in areas of specialisation.
Through our learning programs students learn about technology by undertaking design projects in the areas of the built environments, products and information/communications. The technology content selected links to electronics, food, graphics, information, timber and textiles. Throughout the course, students research the work of designers and the impact advances in technology has on society and the environment. In doing so, they gain an understanding of the factors that influence design, including function and aesthetics.
The use of consumable materials and resources requires course fees, in order to provide quality learning experiences.
Syllabus link

STAGE 5 Elective courses Years 7-10
A variety of courses are offered for elective study, as one year or 100 hour options in Years 9 or 10. Over the two students will select four courses from across the school curriculum, which are reported on the Record of Secondary Achievement (ROSA) compiled while students attend school.
These courses offer a focused investigation in specific areas which allow opportunity for students to pursue interests and challenges in a practical skills environment where they enjoy hands on learning. The use of consumable materials and resources requires course fees, in order to provide quality learning experiences.
Courses available depending on student numbers selecting the courses, includes:
- Design and technology
- Food technology
- Graphics technology
- Industrial technology– in Timber, Metals, Engineering and Electronics.
- Information and software technology
- Textiles technology
Link to syllabuses:
- Child Studies is a course providing practical insight for life and exposures to career pathways.
Syllabus link:
Stage 6 Preliminary and HSC courses in Years 11 and 12.
Students can elect from a range of courses which run for 240 hour (2 years). These courses focus on refined knowledge and skill in key areas of applied studies involving research, technology and work (VET) to meet the outcomes assessed in school based assessment tasks and the HSC exam.
Prior experience in stage 5 is not a prerequisite to study these courses and Life Skill options is available for approved students.

Each course below targets areas of evolving knowledge and technology in our community, with design applications addressing more complex project situations using advanced practical skills. Some courses have an externally marked HSC Projects and Portfolios (marked with a *) which needs to be considered carefully when selecting combinations of courses and workloads.
Courses available depending on student numbers selecting the courses, includes:
- Construction (VET) studies at Airds Trade Training Centre
- Design and Technology
- Engineering Studies
- Food Technology
- Hospitality (VET)
Industrial Technology Metal and Engineering Technologies * View Major work
- Industrial Technology Timber Products and Furniture Technologies* - View major work
- Industrial Technology Multimedia Technologies *
- Information and Digital Technology (VET)
- Information Processes and Technology
- Textiles and Design
- Community and Family Studies
The use of consumable materials and resources in these courses requires course fees in order to provide quality learning experiences and a budget for HSC Projects.
(VET) Refer to more detailed information about the delivery and requirements of Vocational Education and Training under the Curriculum and Activities tab which can offer career pathway opportunities and dual accreditation of a HSC and Certificate I or II, in specific industry frameworks.